
晶達整合高亮度顯示技術和嵌入式計算解決方案為驅動人工智慧物聯網 (AIoT) 技術作快速部署,並積極的協助垂直產業夥伴、系統整合商與潛在客戶一同面臨垂直市場所遇到的挑戰,用創新實力迎接未來。

  • Litemax發展AI邊緣運算的嵌入式人工智慧應用平台,以滿足客戶端垂直市場應用以及各式需求和解決操作環境的多變挑戰。針對AI人工智慧運算、電腦視覺、深度學習、邊緣運算等需求日增, Litemax發佈一系列的Intel Edge Computing 以及NVIDIA® Jetson Nano™的無風扇電腦有效率的提升無風扇系統的散熱效能, 在各種場域應用都能平穩地提供強力的運算效能,支援高度AI人工智慧運算晶片, 可為多種應用場景提供解決方案平台,達到整合軟、硬體, 以建立更靈活與更佳的垂直功能,可簡化客戶端投入AI人工智慧系統整合所需的人力。
  • Intel® offers the Intel® Smart Display Module (Intel® SDM) specification and reference design that can be integrated into the sleekest all-in-one designs. Intel® SDM delivers the same level of intelligence and interoperability as the Open Pluggable Specification, but in our smallest form factor yet eliminates the housing and advances the thinnest integrated displays.
  • The new Intel® Smart Kiosk Module (Intel® SKM) is a revolutionary solution that makes it easier to scale and maintain interactive kiosks, which are increasingly being used by businesses and governments worldwide to offer customers around-the-clock access to information and services.As the market for interactive kiosks increases, so does the demand for smarter multi-function kiosks with advanced capabilities such as workload consolidation, artificial intelligence, smartphone and social media integration, 5G connectivity, telepresence, remote manageability, and data analytics.






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